The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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483 lines
0800 asumphonos {as-oom'-fo-nos}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and 4859; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - agreed not + 5607 (1)
1) not agreeing in sound, dissonant, inharmonious, at variance
0801 asunetos {as-oon'-ay-tos}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and 4908; TDNT - 7:888,1119; adj
AV - without understanding (3)
- foolish (2) [5]
1) unintelligent, without understanding, stupid
0802 asunthetos {as-oon'-thet-os}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 4934;
TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - covenant breaker (1)
1) uncompounded, simple
2) covenant breaking, faithless
0803 asphaleia {as-fal'-i-ah}
from 804; TDNT - 1:506,87; n f
AV - safety (2)
- certainty (1) [3]
1a) firmness, stability, certainty, undoubted truth
1b) security from enemies and dangers, safety
0804 asphales {as-fal-ace'}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and sphallo (to "fail");
TDNT - 1:506,87; adj
AV - certainty (2)
- certain (1)
- safe (1)
- sure (1) [5]
1a) firm (that which can be relied on), certain, true
1b) suited to confirm
0805 asphalizo {as-fal-id'-zo}
from 804; TDNT - 1:506,87; vb
AV - make sure (3)
- make fast (1) [4]
1) to make firm, to make secure
0806 asphalos {as-fal-oce'}
adverb from 804; TDNT - 1:506,87; adv
AV - safely (2)
- assuredly (1) [3]
1) safety (so as to prevent escape), assuredly
0807 aschemoneo {as-kay-mon-eh'-o}
from 809; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - behave (one's) self uncomely (1)
- behave (one's) self unseemly (1) [2]
1) to act unbecomingly
0808 aschemosune {as-kay-mos-oo'-nay}
from 809; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - that which is unseemly (1)
- shame (1) [2]
1) unseemliness, an unseemly deed, one's nakedness, shame
0809 askemon {as-kay'-mone}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 2192
(in the sense of its congener 4976); TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - uncomely (1)
1) deformed
2) indecent, unseemly
0810 asotia {as-o-tee'-ah}
from a compound of 1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed
derivative of 4982; TDNT - 1:506,87
AV - riot (2)
- excess (1) [3]
1) an abandoned, dissolute life; profligacy, prodigality
0811 asotos {as-o'-toce}
adverb from the same as 810; TDNT - 1:506,87; adv
AV - riotous (1)
1) dissolutely, prolifligately
0812 atakteo {at-ak-teh'-o}
from 813; TDNT - 8:27,1156; vb
AV - behave (one's) self disorderly (1)
1) to be disorderly
1a) of soldiers marching out of order or quitting ranks
1b) to be neglectful of duty, to be lawless
1c) to lead a disorderly life
Used in Greek society of those who did not show up for work.
0813 ataktos {at'-ak-tos}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 5021;
TDNT - 8:27,1156; adj
AV - unruly (1)
1) disorderly, out of ranks (often so of soldiers), irregular,
inordinate, immoderate pleasures, deviating from the
prescribed order or rule
Used in Greek society of those who did not show up for work.
0814 ataktos {at-ak'-toce}
adverb from 813; TDNT - 8:27,1156; adv
AV - disorderly (2)
1) disorderly, out of ranks (often so of soldiers), irregular,
inordinate, immoderate pleasures, deviating from the
prescribed order or rule
Used in Greek society of those who did not show up work.
0815 ateknos {at'-ek-nos}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and 5043; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - without children (2)
- childless (1) [3]
1) without offspring, childless
0816 atenizo {at-en-id'-zo}
from a compound of 1 (as a particle of union) and teino (to
stretch); TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - look steadfastly (2)
- behold steadfastly (2)
- fasten (one's) eyes (2)
- look earnestly on (1)
- look earnestly upon (1)
- look up steadfastly (1)
- behold earnestly (1)
- misc. (4) [14]
1) to fix the eyes on, gaze upon, to look into anything
0817 ater {at'-er}
a particle probably akin to 427; TDNT - omitted,omitted; prep
AV - in the absence of (1)
- without (1) [2]
1) without, apart from
0818 atimazo {at-im-ad'-zo}
from 820; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - dishonour (3)
- entreat shamefully (1)
- suffer shame (1)
- despise (1) [6]
1) to dishonour, insult, treat with contempt whether in word,
deed or thought
0819 atimia {at-ee-mee'-ah}
from 820; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - dishonour (4)
- vile (1)
- shame (1)
- reproach (1) [7]
1) dishonour, ignominy, disgrace
0820 atimos {at'-ee-mos}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and 5092; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - without honour (2)
- despised (1)
- less honourable (1) [4]
1) without honour, unhonoured, dishonoured, base, of less esteem
0821 atimoo {at-ee-mo'-o}
from 820; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - handle shamefully (1)
1) to dishonour, mark with disgrace
0822 atmis {at-mece'}
from the same as 109; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - vapour (2)
1) vapour
0823 atomos {at'-om-os}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and the base of 5114;
TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - moment (1)
1) that cannot be cut in two, or divided, indivisible, (in a
0824 atopos {at'-op-os}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and 5117; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - amiss (1)
- harm (1)
- unreasonable (1) [3]
1) out of place, not befitting, unbecoming
0825 Attaleia {at-tal'-i-ah}
from Attalos (a king of Pergamus); TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr loc
AV - Attalia (1)
1) Attalia, a maritime city of Pamphylia in Asia, very near the
borders of Lycia, built and named by Attalus Philadelphus,
king of Pergamum, now called Antali.
0826 augazo {ow-gad'-zo}
from 827; TDNT - 1:507,87; vb
AV - shine (1)
1) to beam upon, irradiate
2) to be bright, to shine forth
0827 auge {owg'-ay}
of uncertain derivation; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - break of day (1)
1) brightness, radiance, daylight
0828 Augoustos {ow'-goos-tos}
from Latin ["august"]; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr m
AV - Augustus (1)
1) Augustus meaning "venerable". He was the first Roman Emperor.
He was born in A.D. 63. His father was Caius Octavius; his
mother Atia, daughter of Julia the sister of C. Julius Caesar.
He was principally educated by his great uncle Julius Caesar
and made his heir. After his murder, the young Octavius, then
Caius Julius Caesar Octavius, was taken into a triumvirate
with Antony and Lepidus, and after the removal of the latter,
divided the empire with Antony. The struggle for supreme power
was terminated in the favour of Octavius by the battle of
Actium, B.C. 31. On this victory he was saluted imperator by
the senate, who conferred on him the title of Augustus, B.C.
27. The first link binding him to the New Testament history is
the treatment of Herod after the battle of Actium. That
prince, who had espoused Antony's side, found himself
pardoned, taken into favour and confirmed, nay even increased,
in his power. After Herod's death in A.D. 4, Augustus divided
his domains, almost exactly according to his dying directions
among his sons. Augustus died in Nola in Campania, Aug. 19, 14
A.D., in his 76th year; but long before his death he had
associated Tiberius with him in the empire.
2) Augustus was a title conferred upon Roman emperors.
0829 authades {ow-thad'-ace}
from 846 and the base of 2237; TDNT - 1:508,87; adj
AV - self-willed (2)
1) self-pleasing, self-willed, arrogant
0830 authairetos {ow-thah'-ee-ret-os}
from 846 and the same as 140; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - willing of (one's) self (1)
1) voluntary, of free choice, of one's own accord
0831 authenteo {ow-then-teh'-o}
from a compound of 846 and an obsolete hentes (a worker);
TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - usurp authority over (1)
1) one who with his own hands kills another or himself
2) one who acts on his own authority, an absolute master, to
govern, exercise dominion over one
0832 auleo {ow-leh'-o}
from 836; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - pipe (3)
1) to play on the flute, to pipe
0833 aule {ow-lay'}
from the same as 109; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - palace (7)
- hall (2)
- sheepfold + 4163 (1)
- fold (1)
- court (1) [12]
1) among the Greeks in Homer's time, an uncovered space around
the house, enclosed by a wall, in which the stables stood,
hence among the Orientals that roofless enclosure by a wall,
in the open country in which the flocks were herded at night,
a sheepfold
2) the uncovered court-yard of the house. In the O.T.
particularly of the courts of the tabernacle and of the temple
in Jerusalem. The dwellings of the higher classes usually had
two, one exterior, between the door and the street; the other
interior, surrounded by the buildings of the dwelling itself.
The latter is mentioned Mat. 26:69.
3) the house itself, a palace
0834 auletes {ow-lay-tace'}
from 832; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - minstrel (1)
- piper (1) [2]
1) a flute player
0835 aulizomai {ow-lid'-zom-ahee}
middle voice from 833; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - lodge (1)
- abide (1) [2]
1) to lodge in the court-yard, especially at night; of flocks
and shepherds
2) to pass the night in the open air
3) to pass the night, lodge
0836 aulos {ow-los'}
from the same as 109; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - pipe (1)
1) a pipe
0837 auxano {owx-an'-o}
a prolonged form of a primary verb; TDNT - 8:517,omitted; vb
AV - grow (11)
- increase (6)
- give the increase (2)
- grow up (1) [20]
1) to cause to grow, augment, to increase, become greater
2) to grow, to increase
0838 auxesis {owx'-ay-sis}
from 837; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - increase (2)
1) increase, growth
0839 aurion {ow'-ree-on}
from a derivative of the same as 109 (meaning a breeze, i.e. the
morning air); TDNT - omitted,omitted; adv
AV - tomorrow (9)
- morrow (5)
- next day (1) [15]
1) tomorrow
0840 austeros {ow-stay-ros'}
from a (presumed) derivative of the same as 109 (meaning blown);
TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - austere (2)
1) harsh, rough, rigid
0841 autarkeia {ow-tar'-ki-ah}
from 842; TDNT - 1:464,78; n f
AV - sufficiency (1)
- contentment (1) [2]
1) a perfect condition of life in which no aid or support is
needed, sufficiency of the necessities of life, a mind
contented with its lot, contentment
0842 autarkes {ow-tar'-kace}
from 846 and 714; TDNT - 1:464,78; adj
AV - content (1)
1) contented with one's lot, with one's means, though the
0843 autokatakritos {ow-tok-at-ak'-ree-tos}
from 846 and a derivative or 2632; TDNT - 3:921,469; adj
AV - condemned (1)
1) self-condemned
0844 automatos {ow-tom'-at-os}
from 846 and the same as 3155; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - of (one's) self (1)
- of (one's) own accord (1) [2]
1) moved by one's own impulse, or acting without the instigation
or intervention of another; often of the earth producing
plants of itself, and of the plants themselves and the fruits
growing without culture
0845 autoptes {ow-top'-tace}
from 846 and 3700; TDNT - 5:315,706; n m
AV - eyewitness (1)
1) seeing with one's own eye, an eye-witness
0846 autos {ow-tos'}
from the particle au [perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the
idea of a baffling wind] (backward); TDNT - omitted,omitted; pron
AV - them (1148)
- her (195)
- him (1946)
- it (152)
- they (71)
- misc (1605)
- not translated (36) [5117]
1) himself, herself, themselves, itself
2) he, she, it
3) the same
0847 autou {ow-too'}
genitive (i.e. possessive) of 846, used as an adverb of location;
TDNT - omitted,omitted; adv
AV - there (3)
- here (1) [4]
1) in that place, there, here
0848 hautou {how-too'}
contracted for 1438; TDNT - omitted,omitted; pron
AV - his (427)
- their (105)
- her (50)
- misc (74) [659]
1) of himself, herself, itself
0849 autocheir {ow-tokh'-ire}
from 846 and 5495; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - with (one's) own hands (1)
1) doing a thing with one's own hands (Often in the tragedians
and Attic orators)